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Services Identifying Your Device

How to Identify your device

Corresponding model numbers for your iPhone

iPhone 5: A1429 / A1428 / A1442
iPhone 5S: A1533 / A1453
iPhone 5C: A1532 / A1456
iPhone SE: A1723 / A1662 / A1724
iPhone 6: A1549 / A1586 / A1589
iPhone 6S: A1633 / A1688 / A1700
iPhone 7: A1660 / A1778 / A1779
iPhone 8: A1863 / A1905 / A1905
iPhone 6 Plus: A1522 / A1524 / A15933
iPhone 6S Plus: A1634 / A1687 / A1699
iPhone 7 Plus: A1661 / A1784 / A1785
iPhone 8 Plus: A1864 / A1897 / A1898
iPhone X: A1865 / A1901 / A1902
iPhone XR: A1984 / A2105 / A2106 / A2108 
iPhone XS: A1920 / A2097 / A2098 / A2100 
iPhone XS Max: 1921 / A2101 / A2102 / A2104 

You can find the model number for all iPhone devices in the settings. Go to Settings > General > About. To the right of Model, you'll see the model number. To see the model number that begins with the letter "A", simply tap on "Model Number".

If you can not access the settings, you can still find the model number engraved on the iPhone. 

On an iPhone 8 or later, to find the model number, remove the SIM tray and look in the SIM tray slot. Make sure that you're in a place with bright light overhead. The model number is on the upper side, the side with the display. (Zoom in)
On an iPhone 7 or earlier, an iPad, or an iPod touch, you can find the model number on the back of your device.

Most Androids devices have the model number located on the back of the device. If the model number of the device can not be found on the back of the device, it can also be found on the box of the device or by removing the battery of the device. You can also locate the device model number on all Android devices by going to the Settings or Options menu, scroll to the bottom of the list, and check ‘About phone’, ‘About device’ or similar. The device name and model number should be listed.